Our office is now open to the public. Limit 3 customers at a time. Call ahead is still encouraged to limit the exposure to others. MASKS ARE NOW OPTIONAL IN OUR OFFICE.

Please do not enter if you have been sick or had a fever within the last 48 hours. Simply knock on the door and we will come out to talk.

Again, if you have several questions and need assistance please call our toll free phone 1-800-526-4366 or email us at: contact@langdonbrosseed.com

Thank you from Langdon Bros. Seed

Welcome to Langdon Bros.

Carrying multiple brands of products, seed corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, lawn seed, hay & pasture seed, sweetcorn seed and pasture & lawn fertilizer. Langdon Bros located in Hartford City, Indiana celebrates 75 years of quality and reliable products and service.

Lawn Products

If your close to our office, please stop by to check out our lawn plots to get a real look at our lawn seed mixes and fertilizers.


Carrying the best known corn seed brand of PartnersBrand. Visit these supplier websites for more information.


Carrying the best known soybean brand of PartnersBrand. Visit these supplier websites for more information.

Hay & Pasture

We provide the highest quality forage seeds and pasture fertilizers. From full season forage to pasture mixes that increase your farm’s profitability.

Infield Products

Professional groundskeeping products that satisfy a wide variety of groundskeeping needs. We carry a great lineup of infield products from Diamond Pro for over 10 central Indiana high schools.

Office Hours

January - February | Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm, Saturday & Sunday: Closed

March | Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm, Saturday & Sunday: Closed

April - June | Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - Noon, Sunday: Closed

July | Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm, Saturday & Sunday: Closed

August - October | Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm, Saturday: 8am - Noon, Sunday: Closed

November | Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm, Saturday: 8am - 11am, Sunday: Closed

December | Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm, Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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